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Founding Chapter

California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo

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In September of 1996, eight young Latina women at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, gathered together to create a sorority that would fulfill an unmet need on campus.  These eight women were Lina Medina, Landi Hueramo, Yesenia Hueramo, Sarai Sequeira, Nadia Quinonez, Cristina De Sanchez, Nancy Ruiz, and Zulema Gonzalez.  The Latina interest sorority was born directly out of the Little Sister Program of Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity.  Sigma Omega Nu is the first Latina interest sorority ever created at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.  The purpose of this sorority is to create sisterhood, scholastic excellence, self-improvement, Latina/o awareness, and to provide community service.  The women of Sigma Omega Nu feel this organization can help bring Latina women closer together while making Cal Poly life easier and more exciting.  Sigma Omega Nu strives to provide its members with moral, academic, and family support.  They also provide a sisterly atmosphere by strengthening cultural bonds, helping the community, and making an impact on all the young women out there.  The formation of the sorority was completed when Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, recognized Sigma Omega Nu as an organization on November 6, 1996.  As sisters we strive to stand by one another through the good times as well as the bad.  Sigma Omega Nu sisters will prosper and succeed in life.


00 Lina Medina Funky

01 Nadia Quinonez Freaky Diva

02 Yesenia Hueramo –Dazed

03 Nancy Ruiz Roxy

04 Landi Hueramo Speedy G

05 Cristina de Sanchez Crystal

07 Sarai Sequeira Pooh Bear

08 Zulema Gonzalez Ojitos

Founding Chapter Social Media


Social Media

Instagram: @calpolysunnies

Twitter: @calpolysunnies

Facebook: @calpolysunnies



Contact Information


Pledge Mothers:

© 2025 Sigma Omega Nu Latina Interest Sorority, Inc.

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